Carolina Scrinzi - Managing Partner
Carolina earned a degree in Pedagogy in 2000 and speaks German (native speaker) and English fluently. She began her career in 2001, covering positions first in Marketing, later on in Communication shifting her professional expertises from Motorcycles, Outboards and Automobile fields at leading Makers and Industries. From September 2004 to April 2009 Carolina has covered the position of Assistant to Communication Director of Suzuki Corporate Communications Office, passing to the leading role in May 2009.
In 2001 Carolina Scrinzi and Ines Boccato Winchell cooperated for about 3 years inside a project were Ines (and her agency) was in charge of the front-line of the Cars Division Communication Office. They met again in 2009 and from July 2010 till July 2012 Carolina was PidiErre’s Senior Media Creative, acting as General Manager for Accounts and also as the firm’s contact for the start-up of management (Senior Media Creative) of all-inclusive, front and back office systems, for Press Offices, Public Relations and Events (Launches and Network Conventions) and Marketing. Carolina, in July 2012, became Managing Partner of the Agency.
Since 2013, she is a registered Publicist in Torino.
Guido Poccardi - Chief Operation Officer (COO)
A graduate in Business Administration from the University of Torino, he also holds an MBA from the Bocconi School of Economics in Milano, as well as a master’s degree in Psychology of Professional Relations. He is a Business Consultant certified by the Italian Association of Managerial and Organizational Consultants, and an Executive Coach certified by the International Coach Federation. He joined the PidiErre Staff in 1999 and works with Ines Boccato Winchell and Carolina Scrinzi to provide managerial support for Communications and Marketing. Guido Poccardi is Project Manager for activities involving reorganization, training and coaching for several leading consulting firms in Italy and abroad. |
Maria Rosa Mascheroni - Accountant
Two decades of consolidated experience in the administration and accounting sector. After earning a business and bookkeeping diploma in 1983 in Torino, she went to work for accounting firms, where she was engaged in a wide range of tasks and developed a keen and in-depth knowledge of the most crucial aspects of the sector, including direct management of Clients, ordinary and simplified accounting, tax statements and returns, balance-sheets and budgets. In 1996 she became a certified bookkeeper in Italy and in 1997 opened her own office. That same year she began integrated collaboration with Punto di Riferimento Srl. Beside Ines Boccato Winchell and Carolina Scrinzi, she oversees the Company’s administrative and financial affairs, with total coverage and supervision of fiscal, economic, financial and contractual dynamics.
Salvatore Spinoso - Business Partner
He soon begins his career as a Webmaster that he continues to practice constantly with success and enthusiasm. Passionate about computer programming, his professional training still ranges in various areas of communication and relationship marketing, with a particular fondness for graphics. But it is the multinational management structure - and their entire history - that captures and focuses his greatest brilliance, enough to convince him to make his own experience available to young learners through teaching. Expert of the complex world of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), Salvatore offers his knowledge and skills in order to allow organizations to define and implement structured development projects, always characterized by the highest possible level of efficiency. He also works as a Coach since 2005, collaborating with major national companies. He loves to work in Team, method that provides the right basis for achieving extra-ordinary results that Pidierre (Punto di Riferimento srl) is thus able to provide its customers.
Rita Giudice - Sales Consultant
A sales consultant since 1989, Rita Giudice has 22 years of experience and professionalism in the health and beauty products sector. Over that period she developed and refined her skills in relationship marketing to become an expert in turning prospective customers into loyal, time-tested clients.
Rita provides PidiErre with qualified technical-commercial knowhow and guarantees market penetration in terms of business communications and relationship marketing – areas teeming with contenders and rife with competition. She’s worked with the PidiErre Team since 2000 and knows our expertise and services deeply. Over the years she has directly managed accounts for the organization of sales for various leading producers of health and fitness equipment and professional body care products. She speaks four languages. In 2009 she embarked on international business brokerage projects, applying her longtime experience in marketing and business management. She works with Thomas Tartaglino to provide support for Ines Boccato Winchell, Carolina Scrinzi and Guido Poccardi in PidiErre’s management area.
Federico Di Lernia - Account
A degree in Sciences of Communication at the “Sapienza” of Rome, he includes in his curriculum a Master in Digital Journalism achieved at the “Pontificia Lateranense” University.
A passion for cars out of the ordinary and an expert historical memory: he reminds nuts and bolts of (almost) all the real cars and motorcycles he likes. The classical "mobility", alternative and sustainable his favorite topics of study.
The constant updating of techniques, equipment and tricks tickle his innate creativity and make him lightning in the translation of a theme into a storyboard. The right balance between idea, innovation and costs are a must for Federico, that supports Ines Boccato Winchell and Carolina Scrinzi in the Research, Analysis, Communication and Logistics camp of the Agency.
“Social” is his status: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram e Pinterest the networks where his operating contribution results in “community”, always more at PidiErre’s Customer range.
Since 2014, he is a registered Publicist in Rome. |
Thomas Tartaglino - Senior Account
An all-around communications professional with specialized training in marketing & sales, and proven experience in the development of commercial dynamics in the telecommunications and financial products sectors. His work in PidiErre is multi-faceted, with focus on business communications and public relations. He is involved in management projects, operational functionality, development of press offices and public relations, providing support in methods and means in the areas of optimum use of information resources and organizational communication. Thomas also applies his in-depth communications knowledge to events development, guaranteeing communicability to dedicated targets and Web communities. Key is his focus on integration of these formats with other forms of business communication. Thomas’s support for the work of Ines Boccato Winchell, Carolina Scrinzi and Rita Giudice is essential. |
Giulia Piccolo – Art Director
Two faces of the same coin: Art Director and Illustrator.
Giulia was born, in fact, as an illustrator - coming out with flying colors from European Institute of Design in Turin - and immediately joins this passion to the graphics taking the first steps in the field of publishing. Then he worked for years as an Art Director, first as interior then as a freelancer with different Advertising and Communication Agencies.
Among its features are definitely there - in addition to the innate passion for communication, handicrafts and digital - also the pleasure to work well both independently and in groups, sharing ideas and creative passion: a versatility that allows her to wander through different types of projects. From the layout of a magazine up to illustrate a book or a poster, also through photography and video, to the concept and implementation of an advertising campaign. |
Josephine Ornago - Copywriter
With a Masters Degree at The University of Oxford and her Anglo-Italian background, Jo is perfectly bilingual. Soon after graduating she ventured forth into the world of PR and Advertising, working in London on business and consumer communications and marketing projects. On returning to Italy, Jo started freelancing, offering her marketing-specific English and Italian language editing, localisation and translation skills. In 2010 on the same wavelength with PidiErre, she works in partnership with the Media Agency providing mother-tongue copy localisation and translation, alongside Ines Boccato Winchell and Carolina Scrinzi.
Simone Passeri - Reportage & Multimedia
Simone Passeri started his career as a photographer at a very young age and continues to work successfully and enthusiastically. He is passionate about photo-reporting, although his professional skill covers a variety of disciplines ranging from advertising to architecture. But fashion is the sector that mostly inspires his genius. So much so that he was driven to specialize in fashion. He currently makes his experience available to all young people with this passion through teaching. Since 2002, Simone has been teaching Portraiture and Fashion Photography at the Istituto Superiore di Fotografia in Rome. In the same year he met PidiErre and now, almost ten years on, the partnership is going strong and is frequently reinvented. Simone works in a team with his student Marcello Fauci, alongside Fabrizio Gremo.
Marcello Fauci - Reportage & Multimedia
An all round, 360 degrees, creative professional, whose skills range from photography to music and a keen awareness of social and international cooperation issues. Marcello’s talent has been the pride of PidiErre since 2010 when he first started to work with us; in particular his skill in snapping up images through the video camera lens, the ‘eyes’ he uses to investigate and observe all that surrounds him. Marcello is the agency’s special reporter giving coverage to all our events and working closely with Fabrizio Gremo and Simone Passeri. |
Fabrizio Gremo - Reportage & Logistics Specialist
Professional photographer and registered journalist since 1994. Specialized in photographic projects in Italy and internationally, guaranteeing functional creativity, clear-cut organization and complete post-production work. He’s been dedicated to this mission since the tender age of 15, a self-taught genius who’s developed his art and continues to update and refresh his technical know-how.
He began his career in a sector near and dear to him – the world of auto rallies, where he honed his automobile product skills and knowledge. Indeed, to this day his automobile photography is an expression of style, technological prowess, technique and a social awareness of the automobile and its importance to people. Fabrizio is also a sports fan and has longstanding, proven experience in professional golf photography. His partnership with PidiErre dates back to 1999, and since then he has been immersed in editing, reportage and event logistics, working alongside Ines Boccato Winchell, Carolina Scrinzi and PidiErre’s entire project team.
Ines Boccato Winchell - President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)